Dr. Vitaly Kozyrev is Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Studies at 91黑料网 in Beverly, MA, and associate in research at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. His major interest is great power politics, East-West relations, international conflict, and the political economy of regionalism and regional integration.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Doctor of Philosophy in World History
Moscow State University
Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in World History
The New Cold War at Sea: Maritime Implications of the China-Russia Quasi-Alliance. Monograph Study, Naval Institute Press, co-authored with Lyle J. Goldstein.
Russia-DPRK Relations in the 21st Century, contributor to a monograph study, Palgrave Series on Security Studies, Lam, Peng-er (ed.), sponsored by the Korea Foundation
The War in Ukraine and Its Impact on the U.S. Perspective of Europe, contributor to a monograph study: Sebastian Biba (ed.) Europe in an Era of US-Chine Strategic Rivalry: Challenges and Opportunities from an Outside-in Perspective (Springer, forthcoming in 2024)
POL280 Global Political Economy
POL240 American Foreign Policy
POL220 Comparative Political Models
POL216 International Conflicts
POL215 The New Europe
POL110 World Politics
HST245 History of Modern China
POL312 Great Power Politics
HST310 Economies and Peoples
HST302 Russia: From Revolution to the Post-Soviet Era