Program Overview
91ºÚÁÏÍø's computer science program prepares you to play an active role in the rapidly evolving world of computer- and information-driven technology.
Through the computer science program, you will study and learn to design, develop, implement, and manage computer-based information systems. You will receive a firm foundation in programming and software design before pursuing myriad elective options in web and mobile design, networking, security, physical computing, and data engineering. You will explore the societal impacts of technological advancement, critically examining issues that arise from the development and growth of computer applications.
Internship opportunities are numerous and include nearby startups and larger companies. Computer science students consistently receive multiple job offers and routinely accept positions before or during the spring semester of their senior years.
Core courses within the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences will help you discover important connections between the study of technology and other disciplines, such as mathematics, politics, economics, and literature. Combining a theoretical approach to the subject matter with real-world applications ensures that computer science students can take advantage of countless career opportunities regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Curriculum Requirements - Minimum Credits Required: 127
First Year - Credits: 34
- Individual and Society General Education Requirement (Cr. 3)
- Quantitative Reasoning General Education Requirement (Cr. 3)
- World Cultures General Education Requirement (Cr. 3)
- Free Elective (Cr. 3)
CSC 101Â -Â Introduction to Computer Science (Cr: 3)
CSC 102Â -Â Website Development and Programming (Cr: 3)
CSC 160/160LÂ -Â Introduction to Programming and Lab (Cr: 4)
CSC 161/161LÂ -Â Data Structures and Algorithms (Cr: 4)
ENG 111Â -Â Critical Reading and Writing I (Cr: 3)
Satisfies the Writing Designated Core requirement.
ENG 112Â -Â Critical Reading and Writing II (Cr: 3)
Satisfies the Writing Designated Core requirement.
INT 100Â -Â Internship I (Cr: 2)
Sophomore - Credits: 32
- Aesthetic Awareness and Creative Expression General Education Requirement  (Cr: 3)
- Global Issues General Education Elective (Cr. 3)
- Elective (Cr: 3)
- Computer Science Elective (Cr: 6)
CSC 251Â -Â Network Fundamentals (Cr: 3)
CSC 260Â -Â Visual Programming I (Cr: 3)
CSC 261Â -Â Visual Programming II and Object-Oriented Design (Cr: 3)
CSC 265Â -Â Discrete Structures (Cr: 3)
CSC 280Â -Â Computer Architecture (Cr: 3)
INT 200Â -Â Internship II (Cr: 2)
Junior - Credits: 31
- Values and Ethical Reasoning General Education Requirement (Cr: 3)
- Computer Science Electives (Cr: 9)
- Elective (Cr. 3)
- General Education Electives (Cr: 6)
CSC 355Â -Â Algorithm Design and Analysis (Cr: 3)
CSC 360Â -Â Software Engineering (Cr: 3)
CSC 379Â -Â Semester Internship Strategies (Cr: 1)
CSC 380Â -Â Operating Systems (Cr: 3)
Senior - Credits: 30
- Literary Perspectives General Education Requirement (Cr. 3)
- Computer Science Elective (Cr: 3)
- General Education Elective (Cr: 6)
(must be above the 100 level)
CSC 480Â -Â Semester Internship (Cr: 12)
CSC 489Â -Â Senior Research (Cr: 3)
CSC 491Â -Â Senior Capstone (Cr: 3)
Computer Science Electives
Students may take any six additional 200+ level CSC courses including those listed below with the CSC prefix. Recommened courses in specific areas are listed below.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the computer science program, students will:
- Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify requirements for valid solutions.
- Implement a computing-based solution that meets a given set of computing requirements.
- Evaluate and assess the correctness of a given solution.
- Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to recognize trade-offs and produce computing-based solutions that have been optimized to satisfy performance or design criteria.
- Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
- Recognize and engage in professional methods, standards, and practices related to project planning and management.
- Make informed judgments in computing practice based on inclusive, ethical, and legal principles.
- Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.
Internships and Careers
An 91ºÚÁÏÍø education means you'll graduate with a degree and a resume.
Whether you pursue graduate school or embark on your career right away after graduation, we believe that your time at 91ºÚÁÏÍø will prepare you for the next step. Take a look at what our graduates have been up to lately.
Recent Internships
- Axcelis Technology
- Beast Code
- CropShop
- DreamingCode
- Electric Insurance Company
- JMK System Solutions, Inc.
- Kloee/Simplecommands
- Loftware
- MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Pepper Gang
- PiSlow
- Raytheon Missiles and Defense
- Revolusun
- Schneider Electric
- Steel Root
- Sweetwater Sound
- Symbotic
- Tarya
- The RoadTime APP
- Thrive BioScience
- Veritas Genetics
- Wayfair
- Weston and Sampson
- Zoom Telephonics
Alumni Employment
- Akamai Technologies
- Cigna
- Citizens Bank
- Commonwealth Financial Network
- D3 Applications
- Dell
- EBSCO Publishing
- Electric Insurance Company
- Ellevation Education
- Everbridge
- Fidelity Investments
HighRes Biosolutions - Honeycommb
- Kronos
- Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Lowe’s
- Minim
- MIT Lincoln Labs
- Norwalk Hospital
- Pegasystems
- Raytheon
- Santander
- Textron Systems
- Veritas Genetics
- Wayfair
Graduate School Acceptances
- Boston University
- Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
- University of East London
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The code, hard truth from 91ºÚÁÏÍø computer science students

What is computer science at 91ºÚÁÏÍø like?
Cam: Before coming to 91ºÚÁÏÍø I had no programming skills. I really wanted to build a tech company but always hit the problem of how to build it. I decided to major in computer science so I could build the technology I needed to start a company. I learned not only computer science but also how to solve problems, communicate, analyze and debug a problem, and think logically. What I really like about computer science at 91ºÚÁÏÍø are the professors and the size of the classes. You get a personal learning experience. That’s important in computer science where there can be a lot of questions. Classes I’ve taken elsewhere haven’t had this one-on-one communication with the students.
Mazlin: I really like the accessibility of the computer science professors. Computer science can be challenging and it is really helpful to get that one-on-one attention to work through a problem. This made a big difference to me in being successful. The internship opportunities are absolutely amazing. Being able to work in a business where your skills are needed is really rewarding. These opportunities gave me the ability to differentiate what type of work I like and don't like. This helped tremendously when I was searching for a job.
What are the computer science faculty like?
Cam: The professors are a great resource. They’re always available for help and genuinely want you to learn. The computer science lounge is a friendly environment. You’ll overhear conversations on computer science topics or other problems. The professors will join in discussions and add their thoughts.
Mazlin: They are all super approachable and willing to answer any question you have. If you put forth the effort they will help you explore new topics that you’re interested in. I really like the Computer Science Lounge vibe.Working with the computer science faculty you get to know them not just as technology mentors but as people as well.
Jeff: I’ve worked closely with all the computer science faculty during my four years here. There is a sense of community and closeness with the faculty and I can go to them for any sort of help. The faculty is located outside the computer science lounge area and they’re always available for help. They have industry experience which is super valuable.
What skills have you picked up?
Jeff: The classes gave me the fundamentals needed to develop code and be a software engineer.From smaller assignments, I got the foundation of skills and from there built more up to more complex projects. Data structures and algorithms have been really invaluable and the internship gave me lots of practical information about what being a software engineer is actually like.
Mazlin: The core classes give you a really strong computer science foundation in math, data structures, and algorithms. One of the biggest skill takeaways from my undergraduate education is being able to research a topic and develop a new skill on my own. You need to be able to do this so you can overcome roadblocks and other challenges in developing projects.
What has been your favorite project?
Cam: I really liked the pinball project. We have a commercial pinball machine and we start with the basic software for it to run. From there you need to add gameplay, a point system, and figure what you want to happen in the games as the ball travels across the boards interacting with obstacles and traps. I also really liked the software engineering class. As a team, we built a 20,000-line program simulating a college environment.
Mazlin: My favorite project was building the Ginger Judge boat. We built a 13-foot semi-autonomism research vessel. The boat was piloted by a drone flight computer and had a whole suite of sensors for collecting scientific data.We had a small team and tackled engineering problems outside of our comfort zone. Getting software and hardware to work together was a great way to apply our classroom knowledge. It was extremely rewarding to see our vessel pilot around the 91ºÚÁÏÍø ponds.
Jeff: My senior thesis was building a massively multiplayer online game or MMO. In the game, you move around a world and interact with other people and have adventures. The game is hosted by servers that get requests from all the players online.
Where to next?
Cam: I am working growing a company with another student called CropShop. CropShop is a mobile market place for chefs and local farmers that delivers ingredients the same day they are harvested. It’s like a digital farmers market.I’m excited to see how far we can take our company.
Mazlin: I will be starting a job in June as a mobile developer for Punchbowl. Punchbowl is a company that creates online invitations and helps you to plan parties. I’ll be working as Android developer helping to create new apps.
Jeff: I just accepted a software engineering position as Wayfair in Boston. Wayfair is an e-commerce business selling home goods.I am going to be building software to efficiently manage warehouse inventory. Super excited about this!