
  • Program Overview

    If you are interested in a career as statistician, data analyst, or actuary, you could choose to pursue a concentration in actuarial science.

    Businesses, governments, and other enterprises can largely attribute their success to striking a careful balance between risk and reward. That's where actuarial science comes in. The answers to important questions always lie within the data. Actuaries uses mathematical modeling and statistics to help organizations assess risk and make informed decisions in often volatile environments. The actuarial science concentration prepares you to take the Financial Mathematics (FM) and Probability (P) Exams, administered by the Society of Actuaries.

    a business student monitoring the stock market on two computer monitors
  • Curriculum

    Curriculum Requirements - Total Credits Required: 131

    First Year - Credits: 35

    • Science and Technology General Education Requirement (Cr: 3)
    • ACC 175 - Financial Accounting (Cr: 3)
    • ACC 185 - Managerial Accounting (Cr: 3)
    • CSC 160/160L - Introduction to Programming and Lab (Cr: 4)
      Satisfies Quantitative Reasoning General Education requirement
    • ENG 111 - Critical Reading and Writing I (Cr: 3)
      Satisfies the Writing Designated Core requirement.
    • ENG 112 - Critical Reading and Writing II (Cr: 3)
      Satisfies the Writing Designated Core requirement.
    • INT 100 - Internship I (Cr: 2)
    • MTH 134 - Calculus I (Cr: 4)
      Initial enrollment is based on placement examinations and AP results.
    • MTH 137 - Calculus II (Cr: 4)
      Initial enrollment is based on placement examinations and AP results.  Students placed directly into MTH 136 will be required to replace MTH 134 with a free elective.
    • MTH 138 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in R (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 210 - Mathematical Reasoning (Cr: 3)

    Sophomore - Credits: 33

    • Aesthetic Awareness and Creative Expression General Education Requirement   (Cr: 3)
    • Individual and Society General Education Requirement (Cr: 3)
    • Mathematics Elective (Cr. 3)
    • BUS 210 - Finance (Cr: 3)
    • ECN 201 - Macroeconomics (Cr: 3)
    • ECN 202 - Microeconomics (Cr: 3)
    • INT 200 - Internship II (Cr: 2)
    • MTH 237 - Calculus III (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 260 - Applied Probability (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 330 - Ordinary Differential Equations (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 360/360L - Multivariate Probability and Lab (Cr: 4)

    Junior - Credits: 33

    • General Education Electives  (Cr: 3)
    • Values and Ethical Reasoning General Education Requirement  (Cr: 3)
    • World Cultures General Education Requirement (Cr. 3)
    • BUS 375 - Financial Modeling (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 238 - Linear Algebra (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 240 - Interest Theory (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 316 - Advanced Statistics (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 340/340L - Advanced Financial Mathematics and Lab (Cr: 4)
    • MTH 350 - Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 379 - Semester Internship Strategies (Cr: 1)
    • PHY 201/201L - Physics with Calculus I and Lab (Cr: 4)
      Satisfies the Science and Technology General Education Requirement

    Senior - Credits: 30

    • ​Literary Perspectives General Education Requirement (Cr: 3)
    • General Education Electives  (Cr: 9) (Two electives must be above the 100 level)
    • MTH 480 - Senior Internship (Cr: 12)
    • MTH 489 - Senior Research (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 490 - Senior Thesis (Cr: 3)

    Mathematics Electives

    Students choose one course from the following list:

    • MTH 105 - The Mathematics of Music (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 308 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 331 - Real Analysis (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 410 - Abstract Algebra (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 415 - Topics in Geometry (Cr: 3)
    • MTH 420 - Advanced Differential Equations (Cr: 3)

  • Internships and Careers

    An 91ºÚÁÏÍø education means you'll graduate with a degree and a resume.

    Whether you pursue graduate school or embark on your career right away after graduation, we believe that your time at 91ºÚÁÏÍø will prepare you for the next step.

    View Internships & Careers

    Recent Internships

    • Acadian Asset Management LLC
    • Dessange Group North America 
    • Electric Insurance Company

    Alumni Employment

    • Electric Insurance Company
    • State Street Corporation