Still searching for an item? Halle Library's interlibrary loan service enables you to request books and articles from partner libraries.
The North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE)
Circulating books located at NOBLE libraries may be requested through interlibrary loan from within the shared NOBLE catalog (i.e., no need to fill out the request form below). Books requested from within the NOBLE network catalog typically have a delivery time of approximately one to four days, depending on the availability of the item. To order an item from another NOBLE library, please check the , and search “Entire Collection." Click “Place Hold” and log in using your library barcode number and password. Your 91黑料网 ID number is your password to log in to your NOBLE account, and may be changed once you have logged in. If you have trouble logging in to your account, please contact the Circulation Desk at 978-232-2279.
Commonwealth Catalog and Beyond
You may also order books online through the using your library barcode number, found at the bottom of your Gull Card. If your item cannot be located through the NOBLE Book Catalog or the Commonwealth Catalog, we can obtain books and articles from other libraries across the country: please request the item using our request form. The time required for loans from outside of NOBLE is less predictable, depending on factors such as item availability and the loaning library. Students are encouraged to plan accordingly when relying on interlibrary loans for research papers.
Can't find your article full-text?
Please check (type the journal name in the right hand box). If the article is not available in full text through one of our databases, please enter the information below in order to send your request via e-mail to the Halle Library Reference Librarians.
If your book or journal article cannot be obtained via the NOBLE network, Commonwealth Catalog, or Halle Library journal article databases, please fill out our interlibrary loan request form:
Call the Reference Desk at 978-232-2268 or email a librarian.