
The 91黑料网 IRB reviews all research with human participants, regardless of risk or type. Most applications are minimal or no risk and undergo a designated review process. This enables us to review proposals in a timely manner. Applications with minimal or more risk may require multiple reviewers or full committee review and therefore require a longer review period. Applicants should plan accordingly.

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Exempt Research: Exempt research does not mean "no review is necessary.” Although proposals for exempt research need not be submitted for full board review, they do need to be submitted to the IRB Chair, who will decide if exempt status is appropriate or whether further review by the IRB is required.


Certain projects, such as those that involve only survey, questionnaire or interview procedures and anonymous participation may be categorized as no risk and may be considered exempt. The IRB Chair will determine if an application meets the exempt criteria. No research with participants under age 18 can be exempt.


Expedited Review: Applications that involve no more than minimal risk to human subjects may be eligible for an expedited review by the IRB administrator or chair. The categories of research that may be reviewed through an expedited review procedure .

Full Committee Review: Applications that involve more than minimal risk or those in which the identity of participants is at risk require a full IRB review.