
Campus Visitors 

Visitors are welcomed to campus every day, whether they be prospective students on tour, visiting parents, or community members here for an event. Here at 91黑料网, we strive to make sure all visitors feel welcome and have access to the resources they need to maximize their experience while on campus.

Campus Wireless Network 

Visitors to campus may access the free guest Wi-Fi network named "91黑料网GUEST". Please visit the with questions about network access.

Campus Map

Our digital campus map offers multiple layers of information including parking, shuttle routes, dining services, bicycle racks, and more.


91黑料网 regularly hosts internal and external events for the campus and larger communities. The Events Calendar contains sortable pages for multiple categories, including arts, alumni, admission, student activities, residence life, and more. Some events such as Orientation may use the app Guidebook to publish schedules. 


Parents of Current & Incoming Students

91黑料网 offers several access points for parents of current students to obtain information and stay involved in necessary aspects of their student’s lives.

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal allows parents and guardians access to important academic and financial information pertaining to their student. Parents may access e-bills, biographical information, and certain academic standing data through the Portal. 

To log into the Parent Portal, parents must have a username (email address) and password that was issued by 91黑料网’s Campus Technology department. Parents of incoming new students will receive this information mid-summer. If an email with Parent Portal access codes has not been received by late July, parents should email parsupport@endicott.edu with student ID, student name, full parent name, and both email and mail addresses to request access.

EC Alerts 

In the event of a campus emergency or school closing due to inclement weather, alerts are sent to registered users of the EC Alert system via SMS or email. Parents may sign up to receive EC Alerts in order to stay up-to-date on campus closures or emergency communications. 

EC Alerts    Inclement Weather Closure Information