
91黑料网 Undergraduate Refund Policy

  • Withdrawal from Classes
    Before requesting a refund, students must officially withdraw from classes by completing a Notice of Withdrawal form, which can be obtained from the Division of Academic Success, at success@endicott.edu or (978)232-2290. Once completed, the form must be returned to the Registrar of the College. Refunds will not be processed until the Notice of Withdrawal form is received by the Bursar. The withdrawal date is established by the last date of class attendance.
  • Automatic Withdrawal from Classes
    Students who fail to attend classes during the semester will be officially withdrawn by the Registrar after three weeks of consecutive absence from classes. No refund of fees in this instance is made, barring exceptional circumstances as determined by the College. Students who are dismissed due to disciplinary action will not be entitled to any refund.
  • Refund Schedule

    Students who officially withdraw from 91黑料网 may be granted refund of tuition, room, and board according to the refund schedule below unless the withdrawal is due to active military service. Students withdrawing due to active military service will be eligible for a refund of 100% of tuition, room, and board. Students who are dismissed due to disciplinary action will not be entitled to any refund.

    Prior to check in, 100% of tuition, room, and board fees are refunded minus the non-refundable deposit.

    Within the first week of class: 80%

    Within the second week: 60%

    Within the third week: 40%

    Within the fourth week: 20%

    Fifth week and after: No refund

Graduate Program & 91黑料网 Van Loan School of Professional Studies Refund Policy

  • Withdrawal from Classes

    Before requesting a refund, students must officially withdraw from classes by completing a Notice of Withdrawal form, which can be obtained from the Division of Academic Success, at success@endicott.edu or (978)232-2290.

    Students may drop a course within seven days of the start of the course.

    Students must withdraw within seven days prior to the last day of the class to receive a W on their College transcript. Students who withdraw within the last seven days of a course receive a WX on their College transcript. Failure to withdraw will result in an “F” on their College transcript.

  • Refund Schedule

    Refunds are permitted according to the date the withdrawal request is received:

    Within the first week of class (seventh day of the course): 100%

    Within the second week (14th day of the course): 50%

    Third week or after: No refunds

    Please note: Application and registration fees are NOT refundable.

  • Refunds and Title IV

    Students who receive Federal Title IV Funds are subject to the return of Title IV Funds as required by the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965, in the event of withdrawal. If more than 60% of the semester is completed, no Title IV funds will be returned. The calculation for the return of Title IV Funds is as follows:

    Total Title IV Aid x Percent of Uncompleted Semester= Unearned Aid or Total Institutional Costs x Percent of Uncompleted Semester= Unearned Costs

    The College will refund the credit of the less of Unearned Aid or Unearned Costs to the Title IV programs in the following order:

    • Federal Unsubsidized Loan
    • Federal Subsidized Loan Perkins Loan
    • Federal Plus Loan
    • Federal Pell Grant
    • Federal SEOG
    • Other Title IV Programs

Medical Leave Policies

  • Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence

    I. Introduction
    91黑料网 is committed to creating a learning environment where all students can reach their full potential. The College remains dedicated to supporting all students while also preserving the safety and security of the College community.

    When a student exhibits behavior in a private or public setting that renders them unable to effectively function in the residential or college community without harming others or disrupting the college community, they may be required to take an involuntary medical leave of absence. In these situations, the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, or designee, will consult with appropriate members of the College’s CARE team to assess the circumstances. A decision will be reached based on an assessment of the student’s ability to safely and productively engage in purposeful activities at 91黑料网, with consideration of the health and safety risks the student may present to themselves or other members of the community. This decision may also consider whether the student’s actions have caused ongoing or significant community disruption inhibiting the academic progress and safety of other students in the 91黑料网 community.

    This policy outlines the individualized process that will be utilized when a student exhibits behavior that may necessitate an involuntary medical leave of absence from the College or other conditions or restrictions.

    An involuntary medical leave of absence may be required when a student exhibits any of the following:

    • Has or is suspected of having a reportable communicable disease.
    • Is deemed a risk to the community.
    • Disregards psychological and/or medical treatment recommended by medical professionals to address the concerning behaviors.
    • Has psychological and/or medical needs that cannot be met by the available facilities or resources.
    • Exhibits any behavior or condition that raises concerns about the ability of the student, at this point in time, to satisfy and comply with academic requirements, the Student Code of Conduct, and college policies, rules and regulations with or without a reasonable accommodation.

    This policy is not intended to be disciplinary in nature, but to support the student and maintain safety of the community. Situations may arise in which this Policy, the Student Code of Conduct, or other 91黑料网 policies are applicable, and in such cases the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, or designee, shall determine which policy or policies may be invoked.

    II. Procedures
    The Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, or designee, in consultation with appropriate members of the College’s CARE team, determines whether a student has engaged in behavior that prompts the application of this policy.

    a. Review and Decision Process
    To determine whether an involuntary medical leave of absence is appropriate, the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, or designee, in consultation with appropriate members of the College's Care team may:

    • Review available incident reports and documentation of the student’s behavior.
    • Consult with other College staff/faculty, as appropriate.
    • Review relevant available medical documentation.
    • Seek the cooperation and involvement of parents or guardians of the student.
    • Meet with the student, if feasible, to review the reasons why an involuntary medical leave of absence is being considered.
    • Require the student to furnish a completed medical provider form.

    The Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, or designee, in consultation with appropriate members of the College's Care team, will utilize the information gathered to make an individualized assessment. Upon a determination that an involuntary medical leave is necessary, the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, or designee, will offer the student the opportunity to take a voluntary leave of absence or agree to other administrative restrictions or conditions in order to remain at the College.

    In the event that the student is incapable of responding on their own behalf, the AVP and Dean of Students will make an effort to communicate with the student’s parent or guardian. If the College is unable to communicate with one of the individuals above, the College reserves the right to either place the student on an involuntary medical leave or impose administrative restrictions as a condition of remaining at the College.

    b. Temporary Measures
    If the health and safety risks the student may present to themselves or other members of the community presents an immediate risk of harm, the AVP and Dean of Students, or designee, may implement immediate administrative measures. These include a temporary involuntary medical leave of absence or restrictions on a student’s access to the campus (including housing, services, classes, activities and facilities) until the AVP and Dean of Students or designee is able to review the matter and make a determination as described above.

    c. Conditions of Leave
    If the student is placed on an involuntary medical leave of absence, the AVP and Dean of Students, or designee, will assess and provide individualized conditions for the involuntary medical leave of absence.

    These conditions may include compliance with treatment plans, examination by independent or College health professionals, require the release of relevant medical records, interviews, a personal statement, and a demonstrated ability to meet the College’s academic and conduct standards.

    Upon processing an involuntary leave, the College may take the following steps:

    • Grant grades of “W” (Withdrawn) in enrolled classes, even if the normal deadline for a “W” has passed, or may be granted “INC” (Incomplete) should the student’s Academic Dean and faculty believe it appropriate.
    • Grant tuition credit based on the last date of attendance, prorated room and board, if applicable.
      • Any student considering a voluntary medical leave should consult with their financial aid advisor. If you are receiving a prorated credit and receive financial aid, your financial aid offer is subject to review.
    • Limit participation in programs or activities organized by the College until officially approved to re-enroll.

    d. Appeal Process:
    A student who has been placed on an involuntary medical leave of absence from the College or has been subject to other restrictions or conditions may appeal this decision. The student must submit the appeal and the reason(s) why the appeal should be granted within five (5) business days of notice of the involuntary medical leave of absence or other measure. The student must submit the appeal and the reasons supporting the appeal to the AVP and Dean of Students or designee, who will forward the appeal to the CARE appellate team for review.

    Grounds for submitting an appeal:

    • New information not available at the time of the decision such as a change in the individual’s medical status.
    • Contesting the information or facts that formed the foundation for the College’s decision.

    The decision on the appeal will be communicated to the student within five (5) business days from the day the appeal was submitted, unless the circumstances require more time, in which case the student will be notified. During the appeal period and process, the student will remain on leave or subject to other imposed conditions. If an appeal is denied, the decision is final and no further appeal is permitted.¹


    ¹ If a student believes that they have been discriminated against in connection with any College program or activity because of a disability, they have the right to seek a review of such concerns under the ADA/504 Grievance Procedure.


  • Voluntary Medical Leave

    I. Introduction
    91黑料网 is committed to creating a learning environment where all students can reach their full potential and excel. When a student is experiencing a medical or mental health challenge that they believe impacts their ability to successfully make academic progress, the College may allow them to apply for a voluntary medical leave of absence by completing the form. This policy outlines the individualized process that can be utilized when a student initiates a request to be placed on voluntary medical leave.

    II. Procedures
    The Associate Dean of the 91黑料网 Center for Teaching & Learning (ECTL) in consultation with appropriate members of the College’s CARE team assesses the significance of the medical impact on the student's ability to effectively function in the residential community or meet the academic requirements of the College.

    a. Review and Decision Process
    To determine whether a voluntary medical leave of absence is appropriate, the Associate Dean of ECTL, or designee, in consultation with appropriate members of the College's Care team may:

    • Consult with other College staff/faculty to determine the student’s last date of attendance.
    • Review relevant available medical documentation.
    • Require the student to furnish a completed medical provider form.
    • Seek the cooperation and involvement of parents or guardians of the student.
    • Meet with the student, if feasible, to review the reasons why a voluntary medical leave of absence is being considered.

    Upon a determination that a voluntary medical leave is warranted and has been approved, the Associate Dean of the ECTL will send an approval letter that outlines the parameters of the leave including the last date of attendance. In the event that the student is incapable of responding on their own behalf, the Associate Dean of the ECTL will make an effort to communicate with the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s).

    III. Conditions of Leave
    If the student is approved to be on voluntary medical leave of absence, the Associate Dean of the ECTL or designee will document the voluntary medical leave to the student in writing.

    The student may:

    • Be granted grades of “W” (Withdrawn) in enrolled classes, even if the normal deadline for a “W” has passed.
    • Be granted tuition credit based on the last date of attendance, prorated room and board, if applicable.
      • Any student considering a voluntary medical leave should consult with their financial aid advisor. If you are receiving a prorated credit and receive financial aid, your financial aid offer is subject to review.

    D. Appeal Process:
    If a voluntary medical leave was denied, the student may appeal the decision. The appeal should be submitted within five (5) business days of receiving the notification letter. The student must submit the appeal and the reasons supporting the appeal to the Associate Dean of ECTL or designee, who will forward the appeal to the CARE appellate team for review.

    Grounds for submitting an appeal:

    • New information not available at the time of the decision such as a change in the individual’s medical status.
    • Contesting the information or facts that formed the foundation for the College’s decision.

    The review may include a review of relevant documentation and consultation with College officials and the student to check compliance with the terms of this policy. The decision on the appeal will be communicated to the student within five (5) business days from the day the appeal was submitted, unless the circumstances require more time, in which case the student will be notified. If an appeal is denied, the decision is final and no further appeal is permitted.¹


    ¹ If a student believes that they have been discriminated against in connection with any College program or activity because of a disability, they have the right to seek a review of such concerns under the ADA/504 Grievance Procedure.

Contact Us

Bursar's Office

Regina Clinton, Bursar

DawnMarie OHare, Director of Student Accounts
(978) 232-2033

Traditional Undergraduate

Last Name begins with A–L
Kristan Doherty

Last Name begins with M–Z
Jessica Genawese

Graduate and Van Loan School Programs

Last Name begins with A–L
Susan Abate, Associate Bursar

Last Name begins with M–Z
Brenda Spiridigliozzi, Senior Associate Bursar