
One of more anticipated moments of a traditional Commencement Week at 91黑料网 are the Baccalaureate and Awards Ceremonies, events intended to celebrate the graduating class and influential faculty of the year prior to their formal commencement.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced 91黑料网 to postpone Commencement to a later date, to be determined, when state and local regulations make it possible for large gathering events to occur. However, as the College honors and pays tribute to the Class of 2020, the following awards have been announced:

Presidential Award
Founders Medallion
Deans Awards
Academic Excellence Award
Thesis Awards
Campus Leadership Awards
Faculty of the Year

Presidential Award

Honoree: Rob Ackerman, liberal studies/education (concentration in elementary teacher licensure)

Award Description: The Presidential Award is given to an outstanding graduating senior who exemplifies the 91黑料网 ideals. Through their engagement in and outside the classroom, the recipient has had a significant impact on and for 91黑料网. They have represented themselves with integrity, have assumed responsibility, and have enriched their peers, faculty, and administration by their actions.

Qualifications: Rob has been a recognizable presence on campus and in the greater community throughout his undergraduate career. Through his academic, leadership, and service achievements, he exemplifies the very best of 91黑料网. His commitment to leadership in the field of education can not only be seen in the classroom, but in his inspirational fundraising for ALS, working with students as an orientation leader and resident assistant, and serving as an articulate ambassador for the institution. Rob represents the essence of 91黑料网, and the community is better because he has been part of it.

Founders Medallion

Honoree: Angela Daley, 4.0, business management
Honoree: Taylor Downey, 4.0, athletic training

Deans Awards

Award Description: The Deans awards are given to students who have excelled academically, have engaged in the school/department and/or major by participating above and beyond the classroom experience. The Deans Award recipients are leaders in their discipline and offer inspiration to others in their major, department, and school.

Academic School Honoree Program
Arts & Sciences Abdourrachid Sow
Shannon Marschall
Mackenzie Judd
International Studies
Applied Mathematics
Gerrish School of Business Victoria Stefanelli
Karina Tomlinson
Business Management
Communication Taylor Wildrick  Marketing Communication
Education Kylie Orszulak Liberal Studies/Education
Hospitality Management Zoe Rowland-Simpson Hospitality Management 
Nursing Rachel Pereira  Nursing
Sport Science & Fitness Studies Taylor Downey
Kate Latassa
Maximilian Chabot
Athletic Training
Exercise Science
Sport Management 
Visual & Performing Arts Emily Shaw
Danielle Mann
Noelle Pagliei
Interior Design
Art Therapy
Graphic Design

Academic Excellence Award

Winner: Dr. Anna McAlister, associate professor of marketing, Gerrish School of Business

Award Description: The Academic Excellence Award recognizes an exemplary member of the faculty for outstanding teaching, scholarship, and service to the college over the past year.

Winner Qualifications: Dr. McAlister is an associate professor who teaches courses in marketing and business research. She enjoys advising 25 undergraduate students and serves as faculty advisor for the Charity Craft Club, faculty advisor for Mortar Board Honor Society, and serves as co-chair of the faculty Professional Development Committee. Dr. McAlister has published dozens of journal articles in her discipline and is highly engaged with the American Academy of Advertising and has recently been elected to the position of Chair of the Communications Committee. This level of service in an international organization provides great visibility for her and 91黑料网. Dr. McAllister is an exemplary faculty member who excels in teaching, scholarship, and service.

Thesis Awards

Award Description: The Thesis Awards are given to the top projects who are exemplary in five elements: a) identifying and framing the problem or central idea, b) thorough exploration and elucidation by documentation c) clear and executable strategy using techniques, d) executes the strategy appropriate to the discipline e) and presentation of original work in a professional manner befitting the field.

Honoree Thesis Program
Samantha Barney Effects of Flexible Seating on Early Childhood Classrooms Liberal Studies/Education
Taylor Downey Athletic Identity & Mental Health Symptomatology in Current Athletes Athletic Training
Brianna Knight New Graduate Nurse Preparedness to Educate & Care for Patients with Diabetes  Nursing
 Jillian Perrone EMPOWHER: Power to Her, A Feminist Magazine to Inspire Young Women Graphic Design

Campus Leadership Awards

Award  Award Description Honoree
Career & Internship The Career & Internship Campus Leadership Award is given to students who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment and excellence in their pursuit and completion of internship requirements. Emily Graham
Hayley McDine 
Community Service The Community Service Campus Leadership Award is given to students who have demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism through their involvement in community service or service learning throughout their 91黑料网 career.   Brendan Carpenter
Tyler Comito
Brittany Corson
Cultural Ambassador The Cultural Ambassador Campus Leadership Award is given to students who have demonstrated a commitment to learning about other cultures, and sharing their culture with others.   Eduardo Kreimerman
Morgan Faisal-Williams
Abdourrachid Sow
91黑料网 Spirit The 91黑料网 Spirit Campus Leadership Award is given to students who  have demonstrated a commitment to the 91黑料网 community through student advocacy, peer support, and pride for the institution.  Jeana Alfano
Julie Champigny
Sydney Riu
Student Involvement The Student Involvement Campus Leadership Award is given to students who have held student leadership positions and demonstrated an exemplary commitment to student involvement activities throughout their 91黑料网 career. Tacy Cresson
Nick Grace
Victoria LeBlanc 
Scholar-Athlete The Scholar-Athlete Award is given to students who have demonstrated scholarly commitment and achievement and an ability to excel athletically. Jade Meier
Evan Couchot

Faculty of the Year Award

Winner: Todd Wemmer, Ph.D., associate professor of communication, School of Communication

Award Description: Voted on by the graduating class, the recipient must teach in some capacity at 91黑料网 and have had a significant academic impact on the current graduating class.

Winner Qualifications: Todd Wemmer, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Communication at 91黑料网. He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Communication at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where his dissertation work focused on the social and narrative life of personal photography. At 91黑料网, he teaches courses on podcasting, digital storytelling, documentary film, script writing, and media aesthetics. He has presented on personal archives, voicemail as a tool for storytelling, and death and photography. Todd works primarily on audio storytelling projects that blend his academic research and teaching interests. He has won the Third Coast International Audio Festival Audio Short Doc Award, his audio has been on NPR and ABC Australia. In addition, he is the faculty adviser to the Film Club. He has worked at 91黑料网 for 15 years.