Being a leader isn’t for everyone. It takes hard work, dedication, and—to put it bluntly—guts. The student leaders involved with 91黑料网’s Orientation and Onboard programs serve as a symbol of leadership on campus. It’s their willingness to work as a team, help those in need, and pave the way for future leaders that make them important assets to our community.
91黑料网’s Orientation is a student’s first step in the transition to college—consider it laying the groundwork. This year our energetic and supportive orientation leaders welcomed two sessions to campus grouped by academic school to facilitate added connections.
Our Onboard program designed for students who desire additional support with the transition to college is a three-day, two-night retreat led by returning student leaders. The program helps to establish personal relationships before the school year begins so that students are set up for success from the get-go.
Our student leaders are well-equipped to pass along guidance to the Class of 2023. They know what it takes to lead in the direction of their dreams, and the dreams of those who follow them. We asked them a few questions about being a leader at 91黑料网, and here’s what they had to say.
Jordyn Valencourt ’20
Major: Photography
Orientation Leader & Onboard Facilitator
What was it about being an Orientation Leader that appealed to you?
When I came here and had Orientation I didn’t know what to expect. I was super nervous and really reserved to myself, but when I got to know people I was this big ball of energy but it was just really hard for me to get there. So, I came to Orientation and saw a huge group of people who weren’t afraid to be themselves. And that really appealed to me.
How has being an Orientation Leader broadened your 91黑料网 experience?
The biggest thing is getting to meet a bunch of people that I would never cross paths with in any other situation. I got to become friends with a huge variety of people. Getting to walk around campus and seeing so many friendly familiar faces is very nice and, having a bunch of people you can go to for pretty much anything has been the best part.
How has being an Orientation Leader made you a better person in general?
It’s definitely the fact that I know how to communicate with different people and take in different people’s ideas. In high school I was self-motivating—all my ideas were my ideas, and I liked to work alone. But by broadening my experience and working with others it helped me know how to interact with people and talk to someone who may be a stranger. It has made me a better person.
What does it mean to be a leader at 91黑料网?
A leader at 91黑料网 has to be fearless. You can’t hold back. You have to be yourself. This is a safe place, this is a community where you can be yourself.
Victoria LeBlanc ’20
Major: Marketing Communication & Advertising
Orientation Leader & Onboard Facilitator
What skills has this leadership experience strengthened in you both personally and professionally?
This experience has strengthened my leadership skills not only in my everyday life, but also in my professional endeavors. I am more sure of myself in the decisions that I make throughout my work, I have learned and practiced knowing when to speak and when to listen, and I feel more confident in my abilities as a communication professional because of my experience as a student leader.
What, in your opinion, makes a good leader?
I believe that a good leader knows when to stand up for their opinions and when to listen to the voices of others. A good leader is also someone who believes in other good leaders, someone who knows when to support others and when to ask for support, and are not afraid to do either.
What’s your favorite part about being a student leader?
My favorite part is being able to share my love for 91黑料网 with incoming freshmen who have yet to experience all that it has to offer.
How has this experience transcended into other parts of your life?
I find myself more aware of how I act in group settings and I make sure I’m being inclusive. I hang out with my Orientation Leader friends often outside of our Orientation duties, and the skills that I learn and practice as a leader are applicable to so many other facets of my life.
Amy Trillcott ’22
Major: Exercise Science
2018 Onboard Participant/Orientation Leader
Take us through your Onboard experience.
By the last day of Onboard I was super excited to move in. I couldn’t wait to start. I learned from Onboard that I need to step outside of my comfort zone. Onboard definitely gave me that confidence to make more friends, step outside my comfort zone, and realize we’re all starting this together.
How do you think Onboard set you up for success?
At Onboard we did a lot of workshops and bonding exercises to not only get to know each other but get to know ourselves. I got to understand where my strengths are and where my weaknesses lie and I got to know myself and that helped me to say ‘I can do this, I can take on college as this big change in my life.’
What do you think you’d be like without Onboard?
Without Onboard I don’t think I’d be doing as well in my classes, I don’t think I would have as many friendships as I do, and honestly, I may not even be here. I may have transferred out. Onboard really gave me that sense that I’m not in this alone and because of that I knew anytime I was struggling I knew there was somebody else that’s going through this. We realized we are not the only ones who are going through this transition. We are not alone and there are so many resources here and so many people that are here to help us.
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