
July 19, 2017

91黑料网 Boston students enrolled in Student Parent Initiative attended the 2017 STEPS Conference on June 29th at Simmons College where two students were recognized for their success as young parents. The Proud2Parent Young Parent Awards are given to a young parent or family who has overcome enormous obstacles to achieve academic, professional, and/or personal success, while also meeting the challenges of early parenting to move towards self-sufficiency.

Keiana Cox was awarded the Education Award and Naiomy Alves was presented with the Courage Award. The Proud2Parent awardees were selected for demonstrating perseverance and resiliency, while also providing a valuable example of the inherent potential and leadership capabilities of young parents.

“91黑料网 has a strong commitment to support parents in college through different strategies: Residential program in our Beverly campus (Keys to Degrees), Non-residential program in our Boston campus (Student Parent Initiative), and the Jeremiah-91黑料网 partnership (providing coaching and empowerment services to our students in the Boston program),” said Marcelo Juica, Director of 91黑料网 Boston. “91黑料网 Boston provides services and support to over 40 young parents in our undergraduate program.”

STEPS is an annual event spearheaded by Stronger Generations of the Center for Community Health and Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The event brings together over 100 young parents, as well as over 30 local organizations and agencies serving young parents, and strives to connect the young parent community to new information, new resources and new friends. STEPS has four objectives, including: to connect young parents to each other (building social support and decreasing isolation); to connect young parents to family-centered information and resources; to celebrate and honor young parent success, and; to reframe young parenthood as an opportunity for growth and development in a young person’s life.

The day-long event included two workshops sessions, a resource fair with 30 organizations providing information and services, a keynote panel, and an awards ceremony. For the first time ever, the 2017 event included young parent allies and provided them with workshops and resources on how to best support the young parent in their life.

For more information on STEPS, visit: https://beproudtoparent.org/boston.