Endowed Scholarships

  • A - K

    Alumni Council Scholarship Fund

    Tania (Rozenski) Barton '68 βˆ†

    Caleb Brunell

    Susan (Madore) Clark '77 βˆ†

    Stephanie (Spanos) Honan '69 βˆ†

    Kendra Mar '92

    Nicolette Massaro '17 βˆ† *

    Linda (Steeves) Milley '74 & Alexander Milley βˆ† *

    Mary Rhatigan '13

    Kendra Scott LLC βˆ†

    Karaline Stark '11 βˆ† *

    Cynthia (Arcoleo) Westerman '84 P'16, '18 & David Westerman P'16, '18 βˆ†

    Anna Moyer Steidel & G. Theodore Steidel Scholarship Fund

    Nancy (Steidel) Desnoyers '50 βˆ†

    Annie Collyer Sutton MH'61 Scholarship

    Gail & Craig Kinney

    John Sutton

    The Arlene Sydiskis Battistelli '60 Scholarship

    Arlene (Sydiskis) Battistelli '60 βˆ†

    The Arline and Sal DiSalvo Scholarship

    Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo & Eileen DiSalvo Δ

    Concours d'Elegance Scholarship

    Henry Ames

    Ann M. Fagan Charitable Foundation

    Peter Beatrice, III

    David Bertoni

    Best Agents Online LLC

    Stephen Blumberg

    Nathan Bodset

    Roland Boucher βˆ†

    Erin & Christopher Brewer P'25

    Keith Buckley βˆ†

    CB Restorations, Inc.

    Martha & Michael Chapman βˆ†

    Richard Corelle

    Dean Cusano

    Cycles 128 βˆ†

    Dick Shappy Vintage Auto Sales LLC

    Donald Dusenberry

    EAB Business Trust

    Eric Eisenberg βˆ†

    Jane & Thomas Ellsworth

    European Motorsports, Inc.

    Ann Fagan βˆ†

    Janet & Sam Foster

    Brad Franckum

    Genesco Sports Enterprises, Inc.

    Therese Goodridge & Richard Leblanc, Sr.

    Nick Grewal βˆ†

    The Grewal Charitable Foundation βˆ†

    Hagerty Insurance Agency LLC βˆ†

    Sheila Haley

    William Healey

    George Hoxha

    Duncan Hsu

    Daniel Hurley P'26

    Kellco Management, Inc. βˆ†

    George Kuntz, III '04 M'06

    Patrick Leach βˆ†

    Mark Lewis

    Steven Mackey

    Bruce Male βˆ†

    Jay Miller

    Judi & Joseph Moccia

    John Nai

    Charles Nazarian βˆ†

    Warner Ogden

    Edward Owen

    Max Peckler βˆ†

    Laurence Perry

    Jonathan Poore

    Holliday & Nathaniel Pulsifer

    Quarto Publishing Group USA

    Anthony Rainone

    Philip Roitman

    Robert Rosenbaum βˆ†

    Sheryl Russell M'11

    Elisa Salmon

    Philip Salmon

    Robert Sarmanian

    Nancy & John Shane βˆ†

    The Shane Foundation Trust

    Siimko Motorcars LLC

    Mike Silverstein

    Bradley Small

    Ralph Smith βˆ†

    James Sprague βˆ†

    The Sullivan Company

    Lawrence Taylor

    Blake Witherington

    Wayne Woodruff

    The Corcoran Fund

    Merlyn & Bourke Corcoran βˆ† *

    Craig Sampson III Memorial Scholarship

    Erica Fleming '18 M'19

    Hannah (Carlin) Gingras '18 βˆ†

    Christopher Horack '18 βˆ† ^^

    Deborah Locke '94 βˆ†

    Chiuho Sampson & Craig Sampson, Jr. βˆ†

    Averill Snyder '18

    Rachele Stein '18 M'19 βˆ†

    Curtis Havens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

    Anonymous βˆ†

    David & Barbara Broudo Art Scholarship

    Mark Towner βˆ†

    Dr. Richard E. Wylie Memorial Scholarship Fund

    Anne (McGirr) Crowley '67 βˆ†

    91ΊΪΑΟΝψ Faculty Association

    Margaret (Sansiveri) Palmer '82 & Scott Palmer βˆ†

    Edith Bliss '42 Scholarship Fund

    Brendan Cronin '99 M'03 P'10, '13 & Dr. Christine Cronin P'10, '13 βˆ†

    Erin (Neuhardt) LeBlanc '06 M'13 βˆ†

    Marcia (Ellis) Moser '67 & Charles Moser βˆ†

    Dr. Linda Robson βˆ†

    91ΊΪΑΟΝψ's Endowment Fund

    Berthe (Mason) Cowles '59 & Robert Cowles βˆ†

    Dr. Gabrielle Watling βˆ†

    The Flatley Scholarship

    Mary (Hogan) Flatley '72 & Thomas Flatley βˆ†

    General Emergency Endowment Fund

    Melvin Manson, Jr. βˆ†

    The Holly Pearson Fletcher '61 Scholarship for Single Parents

    Holly (Pearson) Fletcher '61 βˆ†

    The Hutchinson Family Scholarship

    Kelly & Richard Hutchinson P'21 βˆ†

    Isobel Hunter '46 Warren Scholarship

    Elizabeth (Warren) Hamill '69 βˆ†

    Jane Lang Memorial Scholarship

    Melvin Manson, Jr. βˆ†

    The Judith & Charles Clayman Scholarship

    Judith Clayman P'91 βˆ† (D)

  • L - Z

    Linda Klebanoff Auxiliary Scholarship

    Estate of Linda L. Klebanoff '58

    The Linda Milley '74 Endowed Scholarship

    The Alexander and Linda Milley Foundation βˆ†

    Linda (Steeves) Milley '74 & Alexander Milley βˆ† *

    Malden Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association Scholarship Fund

    Ruth (Lowsco) Allukian MH'66

    Ann (Aulenbach) Bell MH'60

    Maureen (Hoey) Bencale MH'78

    Linda Bracey MH'72

    Barbara Brady MH '60 βˆ†

    Pamela (Brennick) Brown MH'69

    Stella (Berrigan) Card MH'63 βˆ†

    Rosemarie (DeSantis) Carey MH'62 βˆ†

    Maryann (Corea) Carroll MH'83 βˆ†

    Michelle & Michael Carter P'19, '22 βˆ†

    Barbara & Howard Chow P'17 βˆ†

    Elizabeth (Getchell) Contompasis MH'68 βˆ†

    Elaine (DeFronzo) Costello MH'69

    Karen Crosby βˆ†

    Susan DeFelice MH' βˆ†

    Mary (Smith) Degurski MH'80 βˆ†

    Cassandra (Ludwig) Dionne MH'76 βˆ†

    Geraldine (Beaton) Docherty MH'56

    Christine (Howlett) Donahue MH'63 βˆ†

    Susan Feeney MH'69 βˆ†

    Kaitlin Fleming '18 M'19

    Emily Forward '23 βˆ† *

    Elaine (Guarino) Frontero MH'67 βˆ†

    Betsy & Kenneth Gale P'22 βˆ†

    Ellen (Flag) Garneau MH'67 βˆ†

    Beverly (Sykes) Geary RN CCRN MH'61

    Stephanie (Smith) Gibree MH'78 βˆ†

    Paula Gillespie '74 βˆ†

    Barbara (Kleponis) Greland MH'66

    Teresa Grignon MH'70

    Ann (McCarthy) Hanlon RN MH'62 βˆ†

    Agnes Ronan Harkness MH'56

    Melissa Hines-Bock MH'84 βˆ†

    Mary (Hickey) Ioven MH'67 βˆ†

    Carol (Barnes) Jackson MH'62

    Gail (MacDonald) Jones MH’61

    Karen Jones

    Kristina (Buono) Kelley '10 βˆ†

    Anne (Slavin) Kelly MH'56 βˆ†

    Lisa Kernan βˆ†

    Maxine (Peltzman) Klane MH'71 βˆ†

    Jacqueline (Bell) Kovacs MH'64 βˆ†

    Margaret (McGrath) Landry MH'63 βˆ†

    Jeanne (Stead) Lane MH'61

    Karen (Ott) Leahy MH'67 βˆ†

    Carol (Clifford) Lyonnais MH'62 βˆ†

    Eleanor (Bosma) MacAulay MH'55

    Cathleen (Peterson) Macrelli MH'79 '15 M'18 βˆ†

    Anne McCusker MH'55 βˆ†

    Casey (Gray) McGrath '10 M'14 βˆ†

    Carole Nania MH'62 βˆ†

    Melissa Natale βˆ†

    Kathleen (Dillon) Noonan MH'84 βˆ†

    Kathleen (Ryan) Nylin MH'67 βˆ†

    Kathryn (Coughlin) O'Brien MH'61 & Richard O'Brien βˆ†

    Camille (LaCambria) Oliver MH'63 & John Oliver βˆ†

    Laurie (Blake) Pariseau MH'85

    Dr. Sara Quay βˆ†

    Claudia (Zirpolo) Racalbuto MH'71 βˆ†

    Caitlin Ryan '23

    Elaine Slocumb MH'65 βˆ†

    Dr. Emily Smith βˆ†

    Lorraine (Morabito) Smith MH'64 βˆ†

    Charlene (Grigas) Stentiford MH'73

    Veta (Berit) Stone MH'63

    Eileen (Lynch) Sullivan MH'64

    Francine Theberge MH'76

    Amy (deCastro) Warren '06 βˆ†

    Roberta (Romano) Whalen MH'64 βˆ†

    Marguerite Petersen and Alma Davids Petersen Scholarship

    Anonymous βˆ†

    Mary Thompson Grassi '72 Scholarship

    Mary (Thompson) Grassi '72 & Robert Grassi βˆ†

    Nadine M. Bolen '06 Memorial Scholarship Fund

    Sharon Bolen & Robert Bolen, Jr. βˆ†

    Frank Celani βˆ†

    Sarah Cruse βˆ†

    Jennifer Lambert '07 βˆ†

    Erin (Neuhardt) LeBlanc '06 M'13 βˆ†

    Christine Spaziano '98 βˆ†

    Nancy S. & Paul J. Desnoyers Scholarship

    Lisa Desnoyers βˆ†

    Paula M. Chandoha '69 Family Scholarship

    Paula Chandoha '69 βˆ†

    Peter Frates Memorial Scholarship Fund

    Nancy Frates & John Frates, Jr. βˆ†

    Peter Henderson & Lynne B. O'Toole Keys to Degrees Scholarship

    Austin Sale

    The Salice Family Academic Support Scholarship

    Regina (Salice) McCrossan '13

    Susan & Thomas Salice P'13 βˆ†

    The Salice Family Foundation βˆ†

    The Salice Family Scholarship Fund

    Regina (Salice) McCrossan '13

    Susan & Thomas Salice P'13 βˆ†

    The Salice Family Foundation βˆ†

    Shanklin Family Scholarship

    Molly & Norman Shanklin βˆ†

    Shanklin Foundation βˆ†

    Steven and Eileen DiSalvo Endowed Scholarship

    Margaret Janes βˆ†

    Susan (Kiernan) Santin '83 P'16 & Ernest Santin P'16 βˆ†

    Santin Development Group βˆ†

    The Spencer Family Scholarship

    Suzanne Spencer & W. Thomas Spencer, Jr. βˆ†

    Spencer Family Charitable Fund βˆ†

    The Tupper Fund

    Tupper Family Association of America, Inc. βˆ†

    Willam B. Ardiff Scholarship

    William B. Ardiff Trust

    William 'Billy' Mullen '15 Memorial Scholarship

    Lynne & Stephen Stasiak P'15 βˆ†

    Zachary Markowitz '14 Memorial Scholarship

    Anthony Barbuto βˆ†

    Adam Benoit '12

    Cheryl & Paul DeShaw P'12

    Morgan DeShaw '12 M'14 & Colin Sitarz '12 M'13 βˆ† *

    Gregory Desrochers '02 & Jessica (Kellough) Desrochers '02 M'06 βˆ† * ^^

    Noah Eisenbruch

    General Electric Foundation

    Sarah Mulcahey

    Alison O'Connor '12

    Kevin Rooney βˆ†

    Margaret & Robert Sitarz P'07, '12 βˆ† *

    Nicole Taylor

Annual Fund Scholarships

  • Annual Fund Scholarships

    Academic Coaching Scholarship

    Arie Adler

    American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. βˆ† *

    Davi Axinn Levine βˆ† *

    Susan Carmichael & Ronald Kesicki P'23 βˆ† *

    Amy Cohn βˆ†

    Joy Erickson βˆ†

    AnneMarie & Kenneth Fowler P'24 βˆ† *

    Barbara & Richard French P'22 βˆ†

    Jadyn Gentile '23

    Georgianna Jones '23

    Amanda (Silva) Kaulbach '09

    Jennifer & Mark McCartin P'24 βˆ†

    Olivia Metzger P'25 βˆ†

    Caitlin O'Keefe '22 M'23 βˆ†

    Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. βˆ†

    Gino Romani P'26

    Madalin Sanchez

    Abby & Derek Stern P'26 *

    Margaret (Renwick) Tutone '60 βˆ†


    Candace O. Copp, class of 1968 Annual Scholarship

    Candace (Copp) Fredette '68 & Donald Fredette βˆ†


    Corporate Scholars Annual Scholarships

    Foth Infrastructure & Environment LLC βˆ†


    Cynthia Balesteri '03 Ray Memorial Scholarship

    Kim & David Briggs P'16


    General Scholarship Fund

    Semahagn Abebe βˆ†

    Stacy & Matthew Adams P'25 βˆ†

    Samuel Alexander βˆ†

    Maria Alvarez-Frangos M'03 βˆ†

    American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. βˆ† *

    Deborah Angelosanto βˆ†

    Susan Antonellis & Dr. Paul Antonellis, Jr. P'25 βˆ†

    Valerie (Boltz) Austin '70 βˆ†

    Sarah (Smith) Bapp '92

    Diana Barr '16 & Paul Barr P'20, '22

    Jaime Behen '13 M'18

    Deborah Biagiotti M'04

    Casey Boumenot '22

    Suzanne Bowering '83 βˆ†

    Carole & Stephen Brady P'12 βˆ†

    Rafael Brea-Diaz βˆ†

    Christina Broderick βˆ†

    Lauren Burke *

    Owen Burkett *

    Maureen & David Burns βˆ†

    Jeffrey Butters βˆ†

    Rosa & Hector Cadena P'25 βˆ†

    Thomas Callahan βˆ†

    Julie Calzini βˆ†

    Brenda & Christopher Campbell P'20, '21 βˆ†

    Carolyn (Stathakis) Carilli '15 βˆ†

    Colleen & Chris Castellano P'26 * ^^

    Vikki-Lynn & Joseph Castellano P'15

    Dr. Gianluca Caterina βˆ†

    Aaron Chamberland '04 M'05 & Brianna (Martin) Chamberland '05 βˆ†

    Lynn & James Choquette P'24 βˆ†

    Sandra (Banas) Clark '67 βˆ†

    Lorie (Whitney) Cochran '75 P'05 & Robert Cochran P'05 βˆ†

    Evelyn (Hannes) Cohen '69 βˆ†

    John Cordeiro βˆ†

    Silvia Coulter

    Nicole & John Cox P'26

    Richard Cunningham P'25 *

    Jodie Daley P'17, '20 βˆ†

    Dr. Amy Damico βˆ†

    Catherine Davison βˆ†

    Meagan (Murphy) DeJesus '09 βˆ†

    Deidre Depathy P'23 βˆ†

    Laura (Yaz) Deppert '85 & Thomas Deppert βˆ†

    Andrea (Trudel) Dinneen '78 βˆ†

    Danielle Drapeau '06

    John Duggan βˆ†

    Diane (Bouchard) Dupuis '66 βˆ†

    Frances Dykstra P'09 & Ricky Lugar P'09 βˆ†

    Louise & David Eklund P'03 βˆ†

    91ΊΪΑΟΝψ Faculty Association

    Marla (Weston) Esposito '81

    Henry Feild βˆ†

    Anthony Ferullo βˆ† *

    Blair Frank

    Anke (Ghering) Franklin '79 βˆ†

    David Freeman '16 βˆ†

    Christine Galatis βˆ†

    Betsy & Kenneth Gale P'22 βˆ†

    Suzanne & Matthew Galusi P'26

    Francesca Gilkey

    Dr. Charlotte Gordon βˆ†

    Alda & Joseph Goulart P'12 βˆ†

    Allison Hardison '23

    Stephen Hardwick βˆ†

    Janell Hayward P'23 βˆ†

    Allison Heenan βˆ†

    Dr. Mark Herlihy P'15 & Theresa Johnson-Herlihy P'15 βˆ†

    Anielia & William Hodgson P'23 *

    Maria Inestroza P'08, '12 & Dr. Sergio Inestroza P'08, '12 βˆ† *

    Roni Iwata

    J. McLaughlin βˆ†

    Ann (Bollenback) Jamison '82 & Tom Jamison

    Brandi Johnson βˆ†

    Ciara Johnson M'16 βˆ†

    Linda & Simon Kaalman P'23 βˆ†

    Edward Karadizian P'25 & Sharon O'Brien P'25 βˆ†

    Kim & Stephen Kay P'20 βˆ†

    Kimberly Keeley '94 βˆ†

    Dr. John Kelley βˆ†

    Dr. Michael Kilburn βˆ†

    Jaimie Klopotoski M'16

    Jennifer Klopotoski M'05 & Robert Klopotoski M'04 βˆ†

    Taylor (Mack) Kormes '14

    Eileen Kushner

    Barron Leeds P'10 βˆ† *

    Susan & John LeTourneau P'11 βˆ†

    Lori Leurini P'24 βˆ†

    Lisa (Iwanski) Levasseur '83 βˆ†

    Dr. Randall Livingstone βˆ†

    Joshua Lynch βˆ†

    Nemanja Marinkovic '07 βˆ†

    Heide (Berr) Maroun '86 βˆ†

    Roselyn Masam & Sanjay Ramella βˆ†

    Dr. Wesley McCain P'15 & Noreene Storrie P'15 βˆ†

    Rylee McClintock '23

    Susan McGurrin βˆ†

    Ursula (Mueller) McMullen '58 & Edwin McMullen, Jr. βˆ†

    Dr. Kelsey McNiff βˆ†

    Joan Milkovits '72

    Pritesh Mistry

    Margaret Mooney '72 βˆ†

    Eldora Moore P'19 βˆ†

    Maria Morelli

    Jason Nichol βˆ†

    Lynn Nickulas '73

    Allison Oliver '19

    Bertha Osorio-Delgado *

    Aimee (Pierson) O'Sullivan '94

    Nancy (Winter) Patrick '70 P'06 & James Patrick, III P'06 βˆ†

    Douglas Peebles

    Susan (Miller) Penn '69 βˆ†

    Hannah Pleskowicz '23

    BettyAnne (Taylor) Putnam '62 βˆ†

    Deborah Raposa P'11 βˆ†

    Lisa Richard '85 βˆ†

    Sally (Holton) Sakewicz '64 βˆ†

    Tess Samperi P'18 βˆ†

    Linda Schneider

    Beth Schwartz βˆ†

    Susan & George Sherman P'19, '21 βˆ†

    Rosemary Smith '74 βˆ†

    Abdourrachid Sow '20

    Robert Spurrier

    Lynne & Stephen Stasiak P'15 βˆ†

    Roxanne & Keith Steele P'26

    Anne (Richardson) Stevens M'02

    Suzanne Thatcher P'23

    Dr. Aubry Threlkeld M'23 βˆ†

    Hester Tinti-Kane

    Marcia Toomey M'02 βˆ†

    Trudy (Gove) Tronco '89

    Aimee & James Tucker P'26

    Margaret (Renwick) Tutone '60 βˆ†

    Pauline Vanech '66 βˆ†

    Veronica Wallace-Ewing '15

    Marissa Welch '16

    The Wesley G. McCain, Noreene Storrie & Malcolm W. S. McCain Family Charitable Fund βˆ†

    Roslyn (Schwartz) Winston '68 βˆ†

    Catherine Wong P'26 & Dr. Gene Wong P'26

    Dr. Weican Xiao βˆ†

    Dr. William Young βˆ†


    The Inspire Scholarship

    Dr. Alefiya Albers

    Geoffrey Allison

    American Lazer Services, Inc.

    Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

    Bank of America NA βˆ†

    Michael Boland & Sylvia Chang

    Valerie (Blodgett) Broe '84 βˆ†

    Douglas Brown βˆ†

    C & R Enterprises, Inc.

    Keith Carlson βˆ†

    Brownie Carson

    Thomas Clifford

    Construction Management & Builders, Inc. βˆ† *

    Gregory Copeland

    Jacob DeFillipo '20

    Sam DeMarco βˆ†

    Michael Demetrio

    Robert Dinuzzo

    Michael Diodati

    Anthony Donaldson βˆ†

    Cassandra (Grant) Dowd '87 βˆ†

    Dulac Concrete Foundations, Inc.

    Dynamic Waste Systems Inc. βˆ†

    Raymond Egan

    Wendy Ellis '79 βˆ†

    William Ellis βˆ†

    Empire Historical Restorations, Inc. βˆ†

    Faces Brewing Company, Inc.

    Michael Falcone

    Christine Fedele βˆ†

    Fenway Group βˆ†

    Fiducient Advisors βˆ†

    First Insurance Service LLC βˆ†

    Dorothea (Havighurst) Freeman '71 βˆ†

    June (Stehle) Gara '61 βˆ†

    John Gendelman βˆ†

    Amelia George '23 βˆ†

    Jack Goodwin βˆ†

    Granite Telecommunications LLC

    Mary (Thompson) Grassi '72 & Robert Grassi βˆ†

    David Greenman

    Hampshire Fire Protection Co.

    Hancock Survey Associates, Inc.

    Thomas Hanley, Jr. βˆ†

    Allison Heenan βˆ†

    Neal Heffron βˆ†

    Patrick Hewett βˆ† *

    Historic Motor Sports LLC

    Maria Inestroza P'08, '12 & Dr. Sergio Inestroza P'08, '12 βˆ† *

    Interior Stone LLC

    Interstate Electrical Services Corp. βˆ†

    Michael Iorio βˆ†

    Holly & Alan Johnson

    David Kaplan

    Alicia Kessler M'19

    Richard Klein βˆ†

    David Landow

    Kristin (Murphy) Laskowski '05

    Leslie Ray Insurance

    William Lillie βˆ†

    Dr. Philip Lombardo βˆ†

    Robert Lutts βˆ†

    Susan Macrone '81

    Magee Family Trust βˆ†

    Bruce Male βˆ†

    Barbara & Dennis Mamchur βˆ†

    Dale (Roncari) Meck '69 βˆ†

    Micros Northeast βˆ†

    Diane Mierz

    Jay Miller

    Alison Miniter

    Meghan (Fitzgerald) Monaco M'13 βˆ†

    Marc Moreau

    John Nai

    New England Packard Specialties, Inc. βˆ†

    Emma Nyangwara '23 βˆ†

    People's United Bank - Bridgeport

    Jeffrey Picard

    Patricia & David Porter

    Paula (Martin) Prive '81 βˆ†

    Dr. Sara Quay βˆ†

    Constance (Samuel) Robison '71

    Philip Roitman

    Robert Rosenbaum βˆ†

    Axel Rosenblad βˆ†

    S.J. Services, Inc. βˆ† *

    A Kim Saal βˆ†

    James Sama

    Patricia Scangas '70 & Matthew Dietel βˆ†

    Zachary Schulman

    Mary & Walter Scott βˆ†

    Megan & Brian Shepherd P'22 βˆ†

    Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates βˆ†

    Stanley Elevator Company, Inc. βˆ†

    Karaline Stark '11 βˆ† *

    Supreme Systems, Inc. New England

    Cindy Thompson M'19

    Trowt Moving & Storage, Inc. βˆ†

    Jennifer & Rodney Uyeda P'25 βˆ† * ^^

    Vintage & Auto Rebuilds, Inc. βˆ†

    WB Engineers + Consultants

    Western Carriers, Inc.

    Andrew Wilson βˆ†

    Windover Construction, Inc. βˆ†

    Blake Witherington

    Steven Wolf βˆ†

    Jennifer Yoo βˆ†


    John Cheffers AF Scholarship

    Sarah Nastasi P'14 & Dr. Richard Nastasi P'14 βˆ†


    Sean Bisighini '11 Memorial Scholarship

    Matthew Mastas '11 *


    Wells Family Annual Scholarship

    David C. Wells Memorial Fund βˆ†

    Christopher Wells P'19, '21, '24 βˆ†


(D) – Deceased
P – Parent
GP – Grandparent
MH – Malden Hospital School of Nursing Alumna/us
βˆ† – Cornerstone Society Member
* – Gull Club Donor
^^ – Gull Ambassador

Names in bold type are those who contributed $500 or more