
Stay Green This Summer With These Sustainable Tips

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The warm weather is finally here and it’s time to get outside. As you soak up the rays this summer, keep these sustainable tips in mind to reduce your carbon footprint, pollution, and boost your mental health.

  • If you open a window, make sure the AC is turned off so you are not wasting energy.
  •  Don’t litter! Recycle, compost, and pick up after yourself.
  • Use a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Build your own garden with herbs and produce that you can use in your kitchen. If you don’t have outdoor space for a garden, find a local farm where you can purchase fresh produce.
  • Be mindful of your sunscreen ingredients; choose reef safe sunscreen, since chemicals found in conventional sunscreens can be harmful to humans and sea life.
  • Put down the car keys and enjoy the fresh air by walking or biking. Car pollution is one of the major causes of climate change.
  • When you are camping or enjoying the outdoors, make an effort to clean up after yourself before you leave. Follow these .
  •  Eat your veggies. Summertime is the perfect season to test out new recipes with fresh fruits and vegetables. A plant-based diet will fuel your energy for summer activities and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Check what’s in season each month .
  •  Avoid using plastic straws when ordering a drink—or bring your own reusable straw. The U.S. uses more than every single day, which contribute to plastic pollution in the ocean.
  • Help protect endangered species, work on an organic farm, or join community cleanups. can help you find opportunities that align with your interests.

Most importantly, get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Spending time in natural green spaces is associated with physical and mental health benefits. So whether you decide to go for a hike, a walk, a bike ride, relax in the pool, sit on the beach, just be sure to get outside at least once every day to increase your mood and boost endorphins.


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